
The sunset of Equinix Metal: What's next?

By Isaac Douglas, Chief Revenue Officer

By Isaac Douglas, Chief Revenue Officer

The sunset of Equinix Metal: finding an alternative bare metal provider - article banner

Four years after moving into the bare metal space, Equinix has announced it will be shutting down its bare metal service Equinix Metal.

Due to sunset on June 30, 2026, Equinix Metal customers have 18 months to find alternative solutions for their infrastructure.

It’s huge news. Companies sunsetting products isn’t unusual in most industries. But in the bare metal space, it’s unheard of. I’d love to be able to fill this blog with words of wisdom gained from first-hand experience of working with a supplier that’s closed its bare metal arm. But the truth is, as far as I’m aware no one has, so Equinix Metal shutting down is new territory.

That said, infrastructure migrations happen all the time and there are plenty of very good Equinix Metal alternatives out there. In fact, there are bare metal or infrastructure as a service (Iaas) solutions that offer greater simplicity, flexibility and customer centricity.

That’s not to downplay the impact that the closure will have on Equinix Metal customers. Many are likely to have built their business around a product that is about to cease to exist. I have no doubt many are dreading the research into alternative solutions and then the resulting migration. It’s going to be a busy 18 months.

On a reassuring note, and one I think it’s important for Equinix Metal customers to hear: you’re not alone. Other bare metal server providers have tons of experience migrating customers from different platforms. 

I recently wrote a piece about developing a hyperscale cloud exit strategy, which I appreciate is a different type of platform, but many of the steps and advice is relevant for any migration. The hardest part is often knowing where to start, particularly in instances such as this, where the need to migrate is unplanned and unexpected. The key is to start by identifying the main stakeholders, creating a task force and understanding your current infrastructure set up to arm you with vital knowledge when talking to alternative bare metal providers.

All that said, I urge anyone currently with Equinix Metal to start having conversations with other bare metal providers sooner rather than later. Not only is it good to get an idea of what Equinix Metal alternatives are out there, but it’s also an opportunity to pick their brains and get advice.

Despite the Equinix Metal news, bare metal cloud and its importance in future infrastructure is still very much alive and well. When looking around at alternative Equinix Metal providers, prioritize the ones that can demonstrate their commitment to and investment in the success of their products and services long-term.

If you are affected by the Equinix Metal closure and want to discuss your options, please get in touch with one of our team. Even if we’re not the best fit, we have a lot of experience and knowledge that you are more than welcome to tap into.


Isaac Douglas

Isaac Douglas, Chief Revenue Officer

With a decade in hosting and video game hosting, Isaac knows the big mistakes and how to help customers avoid them. Dog dad to Lilly, he owns all the tools and lives his best lawn life.

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