

Changing billing details after an issued invoice

If your billing details need to be updated after an invoice has been issued, follow these steps:

  1. Contact our customer support as soon as possible and let us know about the changes needed for the invoice. We are ready to assist you in this process.

  2. Provide us with the updated information that needs to be included in the invoice. We will update the details and send you the corrected or reissued invoice.

  3. Check the amended invoice to ensure the information is correct.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our customer support team.

Please note, changing the originating country of the transfer can sometimes lead to a change in the tax rate. These changes may reflect in the final amount on the invoice.

Dispute charges

If there's a need to challenge specific payments on the statement or an unauthorized transaction, contact customer support.

Unable to add a credit card as payment method

If your credit card was declined, here are a few possible reasons:

  • The expiration date of the credit card has passed: check the expiration date of your card and make sure the correct date is entered in the payment method.

  • The payment information was entered incorrectly: ensure that the billing name, address, postal code, and CVV number of your credit card matches the information entered in our system. The CVV number is a three-digit code printed on the back of most credit and debit cards. For American Express cards, it is a four-digit code on the front of the card.

  • Browser's cache and cookies: sometimes browser's cache errors from previous unsuccessful attempts and block transaction processing. Remove the payment method, clear your browser's cache and cookies, and then re-add the payment method.

  • The transaction time has expired: if the payment service is busy processing other transactions, the waiting time for your transaction may expire. Don't worry, if the transaction times out, no withdrawals will be made from your card. If the transaction time has expired, try again in a couple of minutes.

  • The credit card has a low limit: sometimes banks open new accounts with security limits to protect against fraud and may decline some purchases. Call the issuing bank to inquire whether you need to increase your spending limit.

  • Other cases: if none of these steps help resolve the issue, contact your bank to find out why your card was declined. If you require further assistance, you can contact our technical support.

PayPal payments are not going through

If you are using PayPal as a payment method and are encountering any payment issues, please contact PayPal support. If you require further assistance, you can contact our technical support.

Declined transactions

Declined transactions is a potential reason for errors you may encounter when adding a payment method. In this case, we advise you to contact the issuer bank of your card to find out why the transaction was declined and inquire whether they can prevent the transaction from being blocked. Additionally, you can try adding your payment details using another credit or debit card.

Not receiving payment emails

All payment emails are sent to the account contacts with primary and billing roles to the specified email address. If you notice that you are not receiving payment emails, you should first check your account settings and ensure that the email address for contact is correct. If the billing email address is correct, check your junk/spam folder. If you still haven't received the email, contact support for further assistance.

Bank transfer payment was declined or returned

It's likely that the payment was made using outdated bank transfer payment details. In the event of any change in payment details, the customer portal automatically sends notifications to the account manager and contacts with primary and billing roles.

Please ensure that you're using the correct payment details from the latest invoice for making the payment to avoid any issues.

The charge is too small

A small charge is a way to verify newly added credit and debit cards. For example, if you made a payment with your credit card and noticed a charge of only 1 euro on your card, don't worry. This charge is a common practice to verify newly added credit and debit cards. It's a standard procedure to ensure that the card is valid. The charge will eventually be refunded, and the correct amount for your transaction will be charged.


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