
IP allowlist

The IP allowlist is a feature that limits account access via the customer portal by allowing only specific networks.

This option can only be managed by an account owner and doesn't restrict access to other systems other than the customer portal (for example, access to the public API will remain).

This feature is located on the account settings page in the IP allowlist section.

Use case

The IP allowlist can enhance account security. A typical scenario is to add your corporate VPN networks to the list, so only your employees will be able to log in to the customer portal.

Feature management 

There are two groups of operations that you can perform within the IP allowlist: one group is related to the state management of the entire list and the other group serves for the listing network.

IP allowlist management

You can apply one of these operations to an allowlist:

  • Activate – all listed IP addresses and networks will be allowed to log in to the customer portal. Other networks will be restricted. If there is a running session and its IP is not listed, the user will be logged out.

  • Deactivate – all restrictions will be lifted and any IP address will be allowed to log in to the account.

Therefore a list can have two states:

  • Active – restrictions within the list are in effect.

  • Inactive – restrictions are listed but not in effect.

Networks management

You can manage networks within an allowlist by performing the following actions:

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Delete

The allowlist is allowed to add or edit a comment while managing networks.


  • The network format is IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR.

  • You can't remove your current IP address/network if there is no other network containing the current IP address.*

  • Removing the last network containing a current IP address* in an active list will deactivate it.

*A current IP address is the one you are currently logged into the customer portal on.

Prevent access blockage will offer to add your current IP address to the allowlist. However, make sure that you are always able to log in to the customer portal from the listed networks. Otherwise, access to the account may be lost.

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