This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up vsftpd to allow a user to upload files to his or her home directory using FTP.
All commands in this guide are to be performed by a user with root privileges. To elevate privileges use:
sudo su -
Check values of the SELinux policy booleans related to FTP:
getsebool -a | egrep 'ftp_home_dir|passive|ftpd_full_access'
If the values are 'off':
allow_ftpd_full_access --> off
ftp_home_dir --> off
ftpd_use_passive_mode --> off
Set them to 'on' by executing:
setsebool -P allow_ftpd_full_access on
setsebool -P ftp_home_dir on
setsebool -P ftpd_use_passive_mode on
Edit iptables config (/etc/sysconfig/iptables) to open FTP-specific TCP ports:
# Allow FTP connections @ port 21
-A INPUT -p tcp --sport 21 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Allow Active FTP Connections
-A INPUT -p tcp --sport 20 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 20 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Allow Passive FTP Connections
-A INPUT -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
Apply changes:
iptables-restore /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Install vsftpd from the standard CentOS repo:
yum install vsftpd -y
After installation, you need to edit /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf according to your need. We recommend you make the following changes:
# Controls whether anonymous logins are permitted or not. If enabled, both the usernames ftp and anonymous are recognised as anonymous logins.
# Controls whether local logins are permitted or not. If enabled, normal user accounts in /etc/passwd (or wherever your PAM config references) may be used to log in. This must be enable for any non-anonymous login to work, including virtual users.
# This controls whether any FTP commands which change the filesystem are allowed or not. These commands are: STOR, DELE, RNFR, RNTO, MKD, RMD, APPE and SITE.
# If set to YES, local users will be (by default) placed in a chroot() jail in their home directory after login.
# The value that the umask for file creation is set to for local users.
# If activated, files and directories starting with . will be shown in directory listings even if the "a" flag was not used by the client.
# If enabled, vsftpd will load a list of usernames, from the filename given by userlist_file.
# This option is examined if userlist_enable is activated. If you set this setting to NO, then users will be denied login unless they are explicitly listed in the file specified by userlist_file. When login is denied, the denial is issued before the user is asked for a password.
# This option is the name of the file loaded when the userlist_enable option is active.
Enable the vsftpd service and start it:
chkconfig vsftpd on
service vsftpd start
To allow access to vsftpd from the specific IPs, edit /etc/hosts.allow:
vsftpd : : allow
vsftpd : : allow
vsftpd : ALL : deny
Use 'ALL' to allow access from any IP:
vsftpd : ALL : allow
Add a local user with disabled shell and the home dir set:
useradd user_name --shell /sbin/nologin --home-dir /path_to_directory
Set password:
passwd user_name
Add the same user to the vsftpd's user list:
echo "user_name" | tee -a /etc/vsftpd.userlist
To create a user with the same UID and GID as an existing user, use:
useradd user_name -o -u UID_client -g GID_client --shell /sbin/nologin --home-dir /path_to_directory
You can find UID and GID of an existing user by running:
id user_name